Magnusson is highly ranked by Chambers Europe for another consecutive year.
Comments about Magnusson published in Chambers Europe include, among others:
Sources note the team’s commercial approach. A source emphasises the lawyers’ “ability to find pragmatic solutions in even the most challenging situations.” – about Corporate/M&A practice in Poland.
Clients appreciate that the team is “always up to date” and “available when needed.” A second interviewee adds that the lawyers “have a solution-oriented mindset and put the client’s interests first.” – about Corporate/M&A practice in Sweden.
Well-regarded practice group advising clients on the full scope of real estate and construction law. Especially active in the representation of domestic and international developers. Provides advice on tax, zoning and compliance matters relating to real estate and construction. Practical experience of energy-related projects. – about the Real Estate and Construction practices in Poland.
Market sources highlight the team for its commercial approach, adding: “Magnusson is an entrepreneurial firm that understands the needs of fast-growing businesses within the financial market.” Clients also laud the lawyers for “providing tailored services” and being “attentive and providing advice on complicated issues in a time-efficient way.” – about the Tax practice in Sweden.
Magnusson is recognized for:
Estonia: Corporate/Commercial
Finland: Restructuring/Insolvency
Lithuania: Corporate/Commercial, Dispute Resolution, Real Estate
Poland: Construction, Corporate/M&A, Real Estate
Sweden: Corporate/M&A, Tax.
Additionally, the following Magnusson’s attorneys are recommended in their respective fields:
Restructuring and insolvency: Pertti Ylikraka
Banking and finance: Marek Król
Corporate M&A: Andrzej Tokaj
Real estate: Michał Siwek and Andrzej Tokaj
Corporate M&A: Anders Bäckman
Employment: Carl-Fredrik Hedenström
Public Procurement: Morvarid Dorkhan Nilsson
Tax: Per Wiker.
Recommendations in Chambers Europe 2018 complement recognition for Magnusson in Chambers Global 2018, where Magnusson is again ranked as one of the best law firms in Corporate/M&A in both Poland and Sweden, with a number of lawyers ranked individually as well.