AI Law

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly evolving area, both in the technical and legal fields. In the EU, new regulations related to AI are currently in the process. Magnusson represents companies that develop, use, or supply AI systems. We assist our clients with navigating AI related regulations by offering tailored and industry-specific legal advice on issues related to AI in several different legal areas, such as data collection, GDPR, intellectual property rights, and regulatory compliance.

The AI Act and Regulatory Compliance

The new AI Act is expected to enter into force within EU in 2024. The act consists of different sets of rules and obligations that will be imposed dependent on the level of risk that the AI system possesses. For example, suppliers of high-risk AI systems will have to comply with several requirements for the AI system to be allowed on the market. The requirements will include risk management systems, obligations regarding data usage, transparency, cybersecurity, and more. AI system with unacceptable risk will be prohibited once the act enters into force. In addition, the AI Act will contain regulations regarding generative AI. In non-compliance with the AI Act, companies could face high fines. Thus, companies using, developing, or supplying AI systems should be aware of the strict requirements that will apply once the new regulation enters into force.

Intellectual Property Rights

The development of AI raises several issues regarding intellectual property rights, especially regarding generative AI. It includes questions such as intellectual property rights to AI systems, ownership to AI-generated material, use of intellectual property-protected material to train AI systems etc. Magnusson has comprehensive experience in intellectual property law. We assist our clients in handling the intellectual property issues that use of artificial intelligence gives rise to.

Data and personal data

AI systems typically require handling a large amount of data to train the models, which means that several new EU legislations become relevant. In addition, training data includes personal data in many cases, of which companies need to consider the GDPR. Magnusson offers advice on issues related to handling training data and personal data.


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