General Terms and Conditions for the Provision of Legal Services
1. Legal services
1.1. These General Terms and Conditions (“hereinafter General Terms”) apply to all legal services provided by Advokaadibüroo Magnusson OÜ (hereinafter referred to as “Magnusson”, “the Firm” or the pronoun “we” in its various forms). These General Terms are deemed to be part of the legal service agreement between the Firm and a client (the “Client”). The Client and the Firm shall be collectively referred to as “the Parties” within these General Terms.
By engaging us, the Client is considered to have accepted these General Terms. The General Terms apply to each client and to each of our services unless we have expressly agreed otherwise with the Client in writing.
1.2. Legal services are the provision of legal advice, the representation or defense of a Client in court, in pre-trial proceedings, or elsewhere, the preparation of documents for the Client, and the performance of other legal acts in the interests of the Client as a professional activity of attorneys acting through the Firm.
1.3. The Firm only provides legal services. The Firm does not provide any other services, including but not limited to financial, accounting, environmental, or technical advisory services.
1.4. In providing legal services, we advise solely in relation to the laws of the jurisdiction in which the Firm is registered. If the Client requests, we may express views on issues related to the law of other jurisdictions, but this does not constitute legal advice, and the Firm does not assume liability for the correctness of those views. If the Client wishes to receive advice on issues related to foreign law, the Firm shall inform the Client of the above-mentioned conditions.
1.5. Legal services on behalf of the Firm are provided only by members of the Estonian Bar Association. The provision of legal services shall be in compliance with the Estonian Bar Association Act and the Estonian Bar Association Code of Ethics requirements. In the provision of legal services, we shall abide by the Client’s instructions. However, we are not bound to provide any service in any manner that may conflict with the professional rules of conduct or other regulations of the Estonian Bar Association or any applicable law.
1.6. We shall assign a partner (a senior attorney-at-law who has an ownership stake in the Firm) of Magnusson to be responsible for the provision of legal services to the Client. For the provision of successful and effective legal services, other attorneys and lawyers from the Firm may be involved. Junior lawyers shall only assist the attorneys – members of the Estonian Bar Association – and do not provide legal services directly and independently to the Client. A list of persons providing legal services on behalf of the Firm and a list of other employees is available on the website of the Firm
1.7. With the approval of the Client, we may engage external advisors, including foreign law firms, whose services may be necessary for the proper protection of the Client’s interests and completion of the Client’s assignment. However, we shall assume no liability for the advice or services of such external advisors. The Client shall remain solely responsible for the instructions given to them and for the payment of their fees and other reimbursements. We do not accept responsibility for quotes, estimates, or fees charged by such advisors. Any authority to instruct external advisors on the Client’s behalf includes the authority to accept a limitation of liability of the external advisor on the Client’s behalf.
1.8. Our advice is based on the facts provided and the instructions given by the Client at the time such advice was warranted. The Client shall submit to us all relevant information and documents deemed necessary to complete the assignment and shall inform us of any and all changes in the relevant facts or circumstances. We provide our services based on the assumption that the information and documents provided by the Client in relation to the assignment are valid, accurate, correct, and complete, unless otherwise expressly indicated by the Client.
1.9. Our advice and work products are provided exclusively for use by the Client, and solely for the purposes for which we were engaged. Unless otherwise agreed, the Client shall not use them for purposes other than for which they are given. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, no other person may use or rely on any advice given or any other work produced by us.
1.10. Our service is limited to acting as an advisor to the Client. We are not responsible for the decisions made by the Client or their consequences. The Client will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the quality of our services through periodic surveys or other mechanisms agreed upon by the Parties.
1.11. The Firm shall notify the Client of any circumstances related to the provision of legal services. We shall report to the Client on the time spent on the provision of the legal services and expenses incurred by the Firm in the interests of the Client by adding as-detailed-as-possible descriptions to the invoices submitted to the Client.
1.12. In its business activities, the Firm is guided by relevant environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) rules. The Firm also expects Clients, suppliers, and subcontractors to act ethically, responsibly, and in accordance with the law.
2. Authorisation Agreements and Engagement Letters
2.1. For the provision of legal services, the Client and Magnusson shall enter into an Authorisation Agreement or sign an Engagement Letter, in which the name of the attorney providing the legal service, their powers and assignments, and the form and amount of the fee are agreed on.
2.2. The Client is the legal or the natural person specified and named in the Authorisation Agreement or Engagement Letter. Our obligations hereunder, as well as our professional duties normally owed by a lawyer to a client, are owed by us only to the person so specified.
2.3. The Authorisation Agreement is concluded in writing if the legal service is to protect the Client in criminal proceedings or to represent the Client in court or another authority, as well as if the Firm or the Client considers it necessary. Upon written conclusion of the Authorisation Agreement, it is signed by the Client, the lawyer providing legal services, and Magnusson.
2.4. In the event of discrepancies between the provisions of the General Terms and the Authorisation Agreement, the terms and conditions of the Authorisation Agreement shall prevail.
3. Conflicts of interest
3.1. Prior to accepting a new assignment from a Client, the Firm shall carry out a conflict of interest check (hereinafter “COI”) within the Firm and across Magnusson International in order to exclude the provision of legal services if the Firm has provided or is providing legal services to a person with interests that are contrary to the Client’s interests. For the purposes of this COI check, Magnusson International shall be understood as comprising all the law firms that are members of Magnusson International Verein (CHE-149.547.659) and situated in Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Sweden, and Denmark.
Notwithstanding such checks, other circumstances may arise that prevent us from acting for the Client in an ongoing or future engagement. If this occurs or if there is a risk that such a conflict may occur, Magnusson may reject the assignment and terminate the Authorisation Agreement with the Client. We shall inform the Client of the circumstances which, in our opinion, give rise to or may reasonably give rise to a conflict of interest. Correspondingly, we shall refrain from providing legal services to any other person whose interests are or may conflict with the interests of the Client.
3.2. Unless expressly otherwise agreed in writing, we retain the right to provide services to any other persons and or entities, including those who are engaged in the same or similar business as the Client and/or who may potentially have commercial interests competing with or being incompatible with those of the Client.
4. Client identification and due diligence measures
4.1. Pursuant to the regulations on prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing and non-proliferation and application of financial sanctions (“AML Rules”), Magnusson has an obligation to verify the identity of its clients, their representatives, and owners in our professional activities, including in establishing client relationships. We are also legally obliged to determine the purpose and nature of the matter and/or origin of the Client’s funds and other assets. Therefore, we may ask the Client to provide us with information, including evidence of identity of any of the following: the person; any representative of the natural or of the legal person and of the right of representation thereof; and the beneficial owner of a legal person.
We are also legally obliged to clarify the business relationship and the purpose and nature of the transaction as well as to continuously monitor the business relationship and, if necessary, identify the source and origin of the funds or other assets used in the transaction. We shall verify the relevant data and, for this purpose, may also collect information from other sources. Magnusson shall store the relevant data and documents in accordance with the provisions set forth in these General Terms.
4.2. The amount of the fee applicable to the operations described in clause 4.1 shall be agreed between the Firm and the Client in the Authorisation Agreement or the Engagement Letter.
4.3. The Firm has the right to refuse to provide legal services or suspend the provision of legal services and to notify the competent authorities and follow their legal instructions if the Client does not provide the requested information or the Firm suspects that the transaction violates the rules of anti-money laundering.
Although it is a professional and legal obligation for the Firm not to disclose information about Clients and the legal services provided to them, the Firm may, in accordance with applicable legislation, be obliged to report transactions that use cash beyond the prescribed limit or if the Firm becomes aware or has reason to suspect that a transaction carried out on behalf of the Client may be in violation of the applicable anti-money laundering rules. If it becomes apparent that the Firm needs to submit a report in connection with money laundering or sanctions while representing or advising a Client, the Firm may not be allowed to inform the Client about the notification or the reasons for it.
4.4. The Firm may also make information available to external service providers if the Firm has outsourced certain activities related to AML Rules and to commercial banks and other providers of financial services to enable them to perform and comply with their statutory obligations related to the enforcement of AML Rules.
4.5. The Client understands and accepts that such measures, being mandatory obligations of the Firm or necessary to maintain a relationship with its contractual partners (in particular commercial banks), do not constitute a breach of professional secrecy provisions.
4.6. The Firm has the right to suspend or terminate the provision of legal services if any information in relation to the activities or transactions of the Client or persons related to it becomes evident that does not correspond to the risk appetite of the Law Firm in the field of prevention of money laundering or sanctions. The Client understands and accepts that in such circumstances the suspension or termination of the provision of legal services does not constitute a violation of the Authorisation Agreement.
4.7. Magnusson shall bear no liability for damages arising from the performance of our obligations arising from law or clauses 4.1.–4.6. of these General Terms.
5. Processing of personal data
5.1. By agreeing to the General Terms, the Client gives Magnusson their consent to process their personal data in the provision of legal services, in accordance with applicable legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) and applicable national data protection laws, Magnusson’s marketing activities subject to the restrictions provided in these General Terms, and in fulfilling our obligation to apply due diligence measures arising from the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Act.
5.2. For the purposes of fulfilment of the Client’s assignment, the Firm may process personal data as a controller or, exceptionally, as a processor in order to carry out a Client’s task. The purposes of such collection and processing of such personal data are as follows: (i) performance of the Authorisation Agreement; (ii) client identification; (iii) performing a conflict-of-interest check; (iv) administering and operating our billing and accounting systems; (v) maintaining and operating our internal information systems; (vi) managing and operating our client-relationship systems; (vii) complying with legal obligations; (viii) for client-specific marketing purposes.
5.3. The Firm collects and processes the personal data of the Client and the persons related to the Client (incl. employees, representatives, beneficiaries, etc.) in accordance with the applicable legislation, rules, and regulations regarding the protection of personal data. The Client guarantees the consent of these persons to the processing of their personal data.
5.4. For information on the nature of the personal data or to make corrections to the personal data being processed or in the case of questions that arise in relation to the processing of personal data, the Client shall contact either the attorney performing the Authorisation Agreement or Magnusson. The Client and associated persons, whose personal data will be collected and processed by us, shall have the right to receive information from us on how we use their personal data and request that we rectify or erase their personal data.
5.5. The Client shall inform the Firm if and to what extent any specific security measures regarding the protection of its personal data are required. Unless we are expressly so informed, it shall be deemed that our personal data security measures are fully compliant with all relevant data protection laws, rules, regulations, as well as with the requirements established by the Client.
6. Confidentiality
6.1. The Firm shall keep confidential the information disclosed to it in the course of providing legal services.
6.2. The Firm may disclose to third parties the fact that the Client is a client of the Firm and information about the matters or projects in which the Firm has provided legal services to the Client only with the Client’s prior authorisation in a format which can be reproduced in writing. The Firm may not disclose details of legal services, such as contractual terms, unless this information has already been disclosed in advance or the Client has given his or her consent in a format that can be reproduced in writing.
6.3. The Firm may, without the separate consent of the Client, disclose the Client’s confidential information to third parties (including notaries, interpreters, credit institutions, and state institutions) if this is necessary for the performance of the agreed legal services or to the extent that we are legally required to disclose such confidential information. In cases where we are not legally required to disclose the information without client notification, we will inform the Client about the disclosure.
6.4. The obligation of confidentiality does not apply to the attorney’s fees and the collection of costs related to the provision of legal services.
6.5. The Firm is entitled to disclose information entrusted to us by the Client and/or relating to legal services provided to the Client by the Firm in the course of internal review and/or professional investigation either in disciplinary or ethics procedures when the review or investigation is conducted under the rules of procedure of the Estonian Bar Association and the Bar Association Act.
6.6. The confidentiality obligation is not limited in time, and pursuant to the Bar Association Act it also extends to the employees of Magnusson, employees of the Bar Association, and public servants to whom the professional secrets of the attorney-at-law become known during the performance of their official duties.
6.7. The Client may not disclose the contents of the Firm’s advice or other services to third parties without the prior consent of the Firm.
7. Reporting to Tax Authorities
7.1. Under Council Directive (EU) 2018/822 (DAC6) and national laws implementing DAC6, advisors are required to provide information about cross-border reportable arrangements to the relevant tax authorities. Our duty of confidentiality prevents us from reporting such arrangements unless the Client expressly instructs us to do so in writing. If the Client does not instruct us to report an arrangement, the Client is responsible for ensuring that it is reported to the tax authorities by the Client themselves or their other advisors.
7.2. The Client acknowledges that our duty of confidentiality may prevent us from informing the Client’s other advisors of their duty to report an arrangement to the relevant tax authorities.
8. Intellectual property and non-solicitation
8.1. Any intellectual property rights created during our engagement in the provision of legal services, including copyright in the legal documents prepared, belong to Magnusson. The Client may use the legal documents prepared by Magnusson for the purpose for which they were prepared.
8.2. Legal documents or other results of the provision of legal services may not be distributed to the public or used for marketing purposes, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties.
8.3. During the validity of the Authorisation Agreement and for 12 months after its expiry or termination, the Client agrees to avoid soliciting any lawyer, employee, or attorney who worked for the Firm during the validity of the Authorisation Agreement for employment or provision of services under another contract.
9. Use of Artificial Intelligence
The Firm has the right to use generative artificial intelligence tools and systems in providing legal services and fulfilling agreements with Clients. This technology assists the Firm’s employees with tasks such as legal analysis, document drafting, and other duties. However, it is important to note that legal services are provided solely by the firm’s lawyers, not by artificial intelligence, and generative AI systems do not replace the Firm’s lawyers in any way. To ensure the quality of legal assistance, if an AI system is used, the Firm thoroughly reviews the output created without exception.
10. Fees and invoicing
10.1. Unless expressly agreed otherwise by the Parties, fees will be assessed based on hourly rates which vary according to the type of work and seniority of the staff concerned. The time spent on the performance of the assignment is tracked in a time-tracking system. The minimum time tracking unit will not exceed 12 minutes.
10.2. The fee for the legal services shall be paid by the Client on the basis of an invoice. The rates and form of the fee shall be specified and agreed on in the Authorisation Agreement for the particular legal services required.
10.3. The Firm is entitled to change the agreed hourly fee rates unilaterally upon notice to the Client at least 30 calendar days in advance. If the Client does not accept the new hourly fee rates, the Client may terminate the Authorisation Agreement by notice to the Firm within 20 calendar days from the date of notice. If termination does not occur, the new rates will apply.
10.4. All quotations, estimates and hourly charging rates are exclusive of value added tax (VAT). VAT, if applicable, will be added at the applicable rate to the invoices.
10.5. In the case of fees charged at an hourly rate, the Authorisation Agreement shall also include a provision covering the reasonable remuneration for driving and waiting time. Reasonable driving and waiting time is the period of time when the attorney performing the agreement does not directly provide legal services but is engaged for the Client and such engagement is unavoidably necessary for the performance of the required legal services.
10.6. If the Firm and the Client agree on an advance payment in the Authorisation Agreement, the Authorisation Agreement shall be deemed to have been entered into once the advance payment has been transferred to Magnusson’s account with a credit institution.
10.7. Any expenses incurred by us in the interests of the Client in relation to the provision of legal services, including notary fees, state fees, counsel and expert fees, communications and transport costs, travel costs, postal and translation costs, copying costs, and other similar costs, shall be compensated by the Client to the Firm on the basis of an invoice.
10.8. We will provide the Client with an overall estimate or range of the likely fees or disbursements we anticipate will be incurred in the matter or, where appropriate, we may agree to a fixed fee with the Client. It is our intention to keep within this estimate or range of such fees and disbursements or, where appropriate, the fixed fee, but such estimations are inevitably never exact and are not binding to the Parties. We therefore reserve the right to revise the fee estimate as the assignment develops and the assignment timeline, amount, or scope of work exceeds or is likely to exceed the original estimates. Correspondingly, costs may be increased as a result of variations in the instructions given, including requests for additional work or unexpected developments, and/or inexperience, incompetence, or lack of cooperation on the part of other parties or their advisors.
10.9. The Firm may from time to time require the Client to pay fees, expenses, and VAT in advance. In this case, the Firm does not start or continue its work until the payment has been received in the current account of the Firm in a credit institution.
10.10. If the Client is a limited liability company, the Firm may require personal guarantees in relation to its fees and disbursements from appropriate members of the management board or shareholders (or other individuals or companies) at any stage in the transaction or proceedings unless the company has deposited sufficient funds.
10.11. Unless otherwise agreed in the Authorisation Agreement, the Client shall normally be invoiced monthly for the work, payments, and expenses incurred on behalf of the Client for the provision of legal services.
Invoices are due for payment on the 7th calendar day from delivery and any queries should be raised immediately upon receipt. An interest at the rate of 0.1% (zero-point one percent) of the outstanding amount per calendar day of delay is chargeable from the date of the invoice on any amount outstanding for more than one month.
10.12. The Client is deemed to have received the invoice when it is sent by e-mail from us to the Client at the e-mail address specified in the Authorisation Agreement or agreed with the Client in a format that can be reproduced in writing. It is the responsibility of the Client to provide a valid and regularly checked email address and to inform us of any changes to this address.
10.13. If payment is not made for an invoice or on account as requested, and until payment has been rendered, Magnusson may decline to continue the service provision, act on behalf of the Client any further, and/or may exercise the lien which arises on any papers, documents, money or securities of the client which are in our possession. Magnusson may apply to have its attorney’s name removed from the court record or registry.
11. Client’s obligations
11.1. The Client is obliged to give clear and complete instructions, including all relevant documents and background information, at the commencement of a matter and thereafter as it proceeds. Magnusson will assume that anyone instructing it on behalf of a company, partnership or other organisation has authority to do so unless notified to the contrary.
11.2. The Client shall cooperate with Magnusson, inform Magnusson of any material circumstances related to the provision of legal services and performance of the Authorisation Agreement, submit all documents, positions, and instructions necessary for the performance of the Authorisation Agreement in a timely manner and perform other operations on their part necessary for the provision of legal services and performance of the Authorisation Agreement.
In exceptional situations where the Client is not available, but a decision needs to be made urgently, the Firm has the right to act in the best interests of the Client, based on the available information and previous instructions. The Firm shall inform the Client of such decisions at the earliest opportunity.
11.3. The Client shall pay for the legal services pursuant to the stipulations under these General Terms and the Authorisation Agreement. Payment of the fees constitutes the Client’s obligation irrespective of whether those fees will be reimbursed to the Client by any other person, e.g. under an insurance policy, a court judgment or arbitral award, etc.
In addition to the lawyer’s fees, the Client is obliged to pay all costs and expenses related to representation, including, but not limited to, court costs, expertise fees, translation costs, and other costs necessary for the provision of legal services. The fee and expenses are mandatory for payment to the Client, regardless of whether the Client bears them himself or they are reimbursed by another person, e.g. on the basis of an insurance policy, a court decision or arbitration award, or other decision.
11.4. In litigation cases, the Client is directly liable to Magnusson for payment of all charges in full, whether or not it proves possible to obtain an order for costs against or payment from the other party to the litigation. It must be noted that the Client is likely to become legally responsible for the costs of their opponents if litigation is unsuccessful.
12. Liability
12.1. If for any reason the Client is unsatisfied with our services, the Client must inform the attorney responsible for the assignment immediately after they become aware of the circumstances giving rise to the complaint or claim (the “Claim”). All Claims of the Client must be submitted in writing, or in the format which can be reproduced in writing and must include a clear description of the circumstances giving rise to the submitted Claim. If the Client is in possession of any evidence regarding a violation of the Client’s rights, all such evidence must be annexed to the Claim.
12.2. We shall be liable for direct damages incurred by the Client only in case of gross negligence and intentional misconduct. Our liability to the Client shall be limited purely to monetary direct damages caused to the Client and not more than double the amount of the fees paid by the Client for our services. We shall not be liable for any indirect loss (such as consequential, incidental, punitive, or similar losses), liquidated damages or penalties, or loss of profit, goodwill, reputation, opportunity, and non-monetary damages. Our liability shall be reduced by an amount that the Client obtains under any insurance maintained by or for the Client, or under contract or indemnity to which the Client is a party or beneficiary. Magnusson represents and warrants that for the compensation of damages incurred they have entered into a professional liability insurance contract at least on the terms and conditions stipulated in the Bar Association Act.
12.3. We do not accept liability arising from failure to meet any target date(s) or failure to complete any part of work for the Client within a proposed timeframe or if we are unable to start or continue our work if this is caused by circumstances beyond the control of the Firm.
12.4. Magnusson shall not be liable for any loss or damage if the Client uses our advice, documents, or other material prepared in relation to the assignment for any purpose other than for which they were provided. We shall further not be liable for the activities of the other counsels and experts of the Client, regardless of whether such counsels were engaged by us on the Client’s behalf, or their services or advice were provided for the Client through us.
12.5. We shall be liable only to the Client and we shall not be liable for any loss or damage that may be caused to any other person. If we accept that a third party may rely on our advice or work product (including but not limited to any certificates or opinions), this will not create a client relationship between us and such third party and will not increase or affect our liability from what is agreed in these General Terms. We will be liable to this third party only if we have agreed to such liability in writing and only to the extent, we would be liable to the Client. Any amount falling due to a third party other than the Client reduces and limits our liability towards the Client, and vice versa.
13. Termination of the agreement
13.1. In the event of termination, the Client is obliged to pay to the Firm all unpaid fees for the legal services provided and the costs incurred until the termination of the contract within 10 calendar days after the termination of the agreement. The Firm then ceases to provide legal services.
13.2. The Firm may waive the provision of legal services without notice and withdraw from the Authorisation Agreement if:
13.2.1. the Client submits falsified evidence, and Magnusson becomes aware of the falsification of the evidence;
13.2.2. the Client demands, despite the explanations provided by us, that we use such means or methods for the protection of the interests of the Client that are contrary to the law;
13.2.3. the Client demands that we act in a way that is not in compliance with the honour and dignity of the attorney-at-law or professional ethics and requirements;
13.2.4. a previously undetermined conflict of interest occurs;
13.2.5. the Client does not perform or violates a material condition of the Authorisation Agreement, including failing to pay a due invoice;
13.2.6. the Client acts contrary to the advice provided by Magnusson or clearly indicates having lost faith in Magnusson;
13.2.7. the Client gives us instructions that damage the interests of the Client or are evidently useless for the purpose of the provision of legal services and, regardless of the explanations given by us, does not cease demanding that the instructions be followed; or
13.2.8. the Client fails to submit documents or information requested by Magnusson for the purpose of fulfilling the requirements of combatting money laundering and terrorist financing, or if the submitted documents and information do not remove our suspicions that the objective of the transaction may be money laundering or terrorist financing.
13.3. The Client shall have the right to withdraw from and terminate the Authorisation Agreement at any time by notifying the Firm in writing or via e-mail.
13.4. The Termination or withdrawal from the Authorisation Agreement does not relieve the Client from the obligation to pay for the legal services provided to the Client and the expenses incurred in the interests of the Client up to the date of termination/withdrawal.
14. Client’s materials and right of withholding thereof
14.1. At the request of the Client, we shall return to the Client all original documents submitted to us by them, provided that the documents are not being held in a court file or that they have not been transferred to a third party during the provision of legal services in any other way.
14.2. For the purpose of ensuring payment for legal services and compensation for expenses, we maintain the right to withhold all documents, files and other data carriers, as well as the assets that were awarded to the Client by a court judgment or assigned to the Client via an agreement or property that the Client is entitled to in any other way, as well as the materials created by Magnusson in the course of the provision of legal services, until all outstanding payments are settled by the Client.
14.3. After the end of the engagement, our right to store all relevant documents and work results related to the engagement shall be for a period we deem appropriate but in no circumstances for a period shorter than that required by the professional rules of conduct or other regulations of the Estonian Bar Association or any other applicable law. We have the right to keep or store documents and work results digitally or in hard-copy form.
15. Marketing and advertising
15.1. Unless expressly otherwise agreed in writing, we are entitled to provide our Client’s name and a brief general description of the finished assignment (project, case) in situations where we wish to demonstrate our experience, such as preparation and submission of offers or proposals for legal services, presentations to potential clients or prospective co-operation partner firms (law firms), submissions to league tables, legal directories, other persons and entities evaluating and ranking law firms, or any other similar circumstances.
15.2. Consequently, with respect to transactions, cases, and other assignments that have become public, we are entitled to make public our involvement with the indication of our role in such an assignment on the Client’s behalf. We will seek the Client’s approval before disclosure if we have a particular reason to believe that they do not wish to have our involvement made public.
16. Notices
16.1. Unless otherwise agreed with the Client, any notice, consent, or other required communication may take place in writing, by e-mail or by telephone. Unless otherwise agreed with the Client, telephone communications shall usually only be used for the purpose of urgency, and must be followed up by written or e-mail confirmation.
16.2. All notifications shall be deemed to have taken effect upon receipt. A written notice shall be deemed to have been received within three business days if it is sent by registered mail from the sender’s postal address to the recipient’s postal address. A notice sent by e-mail shall be deemed to have been received within three working days after sending to the address specified in the Authorisation Agreement. The receipt of invoices is regulated by the deadlines specified in clause 10 of the General Terms.
16.3. Unless the Client instructs us otherwise, we provide our services on the assumption that any of the Client’s managers, employees, consultants, or representatives, who usually give oral or written instructions to us, are authorised to do so by the Client.
16.4. The Client represents and warrants that they are aware of the risks involved in submitting electronic mail over the Internet: messages may get lost or delayed, confidential and personal information may be intentionally or unintentionally modified, stolen, monitored, and/or disclosed to third parties. Magnusson shall not be liable for potential damages related to submission of electronic mail over the Internet
17. Applicable law and dispute resolution
17.1. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with the provision of legal services or the Authorisation Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Estonia.
17.2. The Parties shall use all reasonable efforts to amicably settle any disputes arising out of or in connection with the provision of legal services or the Authorisation Agreement. If the Parties fail to resolve the disputes through negotiations, the dispute shall be settled in Harju County Court.
18. Miscellaneous
18.1. If the Client falls within the definition of a “consumer” the Client has the right to cancel the Authorisation Agreement within 14 days without giving any reason. The cancellation period will expire after 14 days from the date of receipt of this information by the Client. To exercise the right to cancel, the Client must inform us of their decision to cancel by a clear written statement sent to us by letter, fax, or e-mail. To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for the Client to send the communication concerning the exercise of the right to cancel before the cancellation period has expired.
If the Client had requested us to begin the performance of services during the cancellation period, the Client shall pay the Firm an amount that is proportional to what had been performed until the Client communicated cancellation of the Agreement to Magnusson, in comparison with the full coverage of the Agreement.
18.2. The Firm has the right to amend the General Terms from time to time. Amendments to the General Terms and Conditions shall enter into force in the Firm’s relations with the Client from the date on which the Client has given the first instruction after the date on which the Firm notified the Client of the changes.
18.3. The main goal of the Firm is to provide fast, efficient and high-quality legal services, as well as the accuracy and comprehensibility of settlements. If you have any questions about legal services or settlements, please contact the partner or attorney-at-law responsible for providing the services.